Our Creatives

Author & Illustrator:

Tanya Saunders is a writer, artist and lover of wild places. The road that eventually led to her founding AVID Language and writing books for deaf children started unexpectedly back in 2016. Tanya and her husband Ian were living and working in a remote corner of the African wilderness (where Tanya had grown up with elephants literally on her doorstep) when their life was suddenly turned upside down overnight. One of their two year old twin daughters was diagnosed with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD). Read More >

Author Karen Hardwicke


Karen Hardwicke is a Teacher of the Deaf but if she were a stick of rock, at her centre it would say ‘parent’. She is mum to a daughter and two sons; one of whom is deaf. The diagnosis of the latter’s deafness changed everything. Initially there was shock and grieving for the future she thought was in store. And the grieving never really went away but remained buried under layers of time and positivity and a determination to make the best of things. The journey was also characterised by trainspotter levels of excitement about language development; in particular, sign language! Read more >

Author & Illustrator:

Penny Gill is a Teacher of the Deaf who has worked with children of all ages in both sign and spoken language programs.  Over the years, she has created many personalized books to help young children understand events in their lives.  Penny is an aspiring artist who dabbles in drawing, writing and fiber arts.  Some Fairies Wear Hearing Aids is her first published book.  Penny lives in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA with her partner, 2 loud birds, 2 tiny rabbits, and 1 very old dog.  She is the proud mom of two amazing adult children.

Titles by Penny Gill:
Some Fairies Wear Hearing Aids


As a small child you would always find Faith with her nose stuck in her sketchbook, or trying to create something from a random item found lying around the house (a habit which hasn’t really changed). After studying Illustration at the University of Northampton, she is now a professional illustrator, with a keen interest for narrative illustration. Animals are her main inspiration, as she loves bringing out the personality within each one, and always treating each piece as an experiment, never limiting herself to a certain style or concept.
More of Faith’s work can be found through her instagram @faithbpillustrations

Titles illustrated by Faith Broomfield-Payne:
C.I. Quest
Icky Sticky Stuck!
Friends Together

Photographer Pranali Patil

Photographer: PRANALI PATIL

Pranali Patil is a newborn and family fine art photographer based in Berkshire, UK, where she lives with her husband and young son. Through her photography, Pranali likes to capture the magic in everyday moments and the loving family connections that show how beautiful life is, even with its ups and downs. Find out more about Pranali’s work >

Titles photographed by Pranali Patil:
A Girl like Ananya

Amanda Walker, illustrator of Jack Signs!


Amanda Walker is an illustrator and artist from Berkshire, UK. As well as illustrating colouring and children’s books, she enjoys painting and making quilts - but doesn’t like parting with any of them. She has a large collection of paintings and quilts.
You can have a look at more of her lovely work @mannyjeann on Instagram!

Titles illustrated by Amanda Walker:

Jack Signs!